
Mackensie Astle - Firefighter
Quentin Atchley - Probationary Firefighter
Phil Batchelor - Firefighter
Margaret Beers - EMT
Brad Beers - Firefighter/EMT
Ted Beers - Firefighter/EMT
Michael Chesare - Probationary Firefighter
Chris Clanton - Firefighter
James Clough - Probationary Firefighter
Matt Conklin - Probationary Firefighter
Bob Day - Firefighter
Grace DeLand - Firefighter/EMT
Nicholas Desacia - Firefighter
Abigail Evans - Firefighter
Joe Fassano - Probationary Firefighter/Medic
Rick Glerum - Firefighter

Jeff Hammond - Firefighter
Greg Herrmann - Firefighter
Rachel Herrmann - Firefighter/EMT
Brian Katzman - Firefighter
Jason Katzman - Firefighter
Meghan Kenyon - Firefighter
Thomas Kenyon - Firefighter/EMT

Eric Koproski - Firefighter
John Krocke - Firefighter
Matt Krocke - Firefighter
Bob Lighthall - Firefighter
Andrew Michaud - Firefighter
Ben Muckey - Probationary Firefighter/EMT
Jason Myhill - Firefighter
Darian Newcomb - Firefighter/EMT
Joshuwa Portalatin-Tolentino - Probationary Firefighter
Barry Pritchard - Firefighter
Dan Pritchard - Firefighter
Ivan Proano - Firefighter/EMT
Donna Roth - Paramedic-LOA
Kassi Schultz - Firefighter
Dave Searor - Firefighter 

Brady Slimmer - Probationary Firefighter/EMT
Nicholas Smalt - Firefighter
Bernardo Sobrino - Firefighter/EMT
Marissa Wallace - Firefighter
Crystal Weigand - EMT

Brianna Batchelor
Kathy Batchelor
Morgan Burnham
George Demass
Dave Dewey
Irene Dewey
Isabella Koproski

Chris Pritchard
Tim Pritchard
Norman Roth

Danika Sinclair

Active - Explorers
Devin Allen
Parker Koproski
Noah Mihalek
Makensie Sinclair
Mason Sinclair
Annabella Sobrino
Grace Taylor
Cooper Therrien

Firefighter with restrictions

None currently


Active - Ancilliary Support
Sharon Day
Brian Dice
Kevin Dice
Mary Dice
Donna Herrmann
Chris Lighthall
Sandy Magner
Diane Rupert - Chair
Jack Slattery
Marguerite Slattery
Val Susino

John Damiano
Dennis and June Ouellette

Kathy Batchelor
Phil Batchelor
Brad Beers
Margaret Beers
Dave Costo

Dave Dewey
Irene Dewey
Rick Glerum
Donna Herrmann
Greg Herrmann
Erik Koproski
Keith Mayotte
Norm Mills
Jason Myhill
Barry Pritchard
Dan Pritchard
Tim Pritchard
Scott Pritchard
Sharon Pritchard
Donna Roth
Norman Roth
Dan Rupert
Diane Rupert
Scott Thompson
Crystie Weigand
Jesse Weigand




Oswego Town Volunteers - Neighbors helping Neighbors
Proudly serving the resident of the Town of Oswego and neighboring communities for over 25 years.